2020 is Your Year. Make it Count

You have dreams. You have a big project to complete. You have years of unsorted documents and clutter. You have moved to a new city with a new job. You have launched children and now have a freer schedule.

Your spouse or best friend is no longer in the picture. You have just recovered from a lengthy illness. Your finances are different and sometimes tight. 

The view ahead is hazy and unmotivating, like a cold, rainy day. You want to move forward, but you feel like cement blocks have replaced your shoes.

You say, “I want things to look different this year. If I only knew how to kick start myself.

Consider Life Coaching as Your New Year’s Gift to Yourself

Setting goals and breaking them into small, manageable bits is the key. Mountains are moved one boulder, one load of dirt at a time. New Year’s resolutions can be successful, but promises made only to ourselves are easy to break.

“My coach has been a kind and gentle voice helping me to fulfill goals and dreams.  I didn’t know where to begin.  Even more, I was terrified!  Engaging my fears with a practical plan of action has lead to deeper spiritual, emotional and relational growth. My coach has helped provide structure, encouragement and insight in this journey of personal discovery and tangible outcomes.”  ~Caroline 

My coach was very good at helping me prioritize and then set a reasonable time limit to each task so that it wasn’t overwhelming. It is also helpful to know that I will be held accountable to accomplish these tasks by our next meeting. I was able to open my own business with my coach’s guidance! ~Jenny

Coaching is about learning. The client is the expert on his/her life. The coach uses techniques such as active listening, open-ended questions, encouragement, challenges to present thinking, and always remains supportive. All these methods are meant to assist the client in discovering insights and taking next steps.

  • The Next Step toward a healthier lifestyle.
  • The Next Step to change careers.
  • The Next Step to write your book.
  • The Next Step to strengthen your relationships.
  • The Next Step to start your own business.
  • The Next Step to organize your life.

Coaching is tailored to the client – when, where, how, and what – all according to the needs of the client. Face-to-face interaction is not critical since the coach’s role is to be the voice, guiding the session, but allowing the client to lead the conversation topics and set the action steps. With today’s technology, coaching can and does happen all over the world, spanning the distant locations of coaches and clients.

“We met every two weeks over Skype, Face Time, or phone. My coach was flexible with my changing time zones and erratic schedule. I felt connected, like I had a confidential companion listening, praying, challenging, and encouraging me as I made my way in a new chapter of life. I felt less alone even though we lived thousands of miles apart.” ~Celeste

3 More Reasons to Engage a Life Coach in 2020

  • Accountability“I knew you would ask me if I completed the job application, so I finished it last night,” said a coaching client. Another said, “I promised my coach I would follow-up the interview with a phone call, so I had to do it.” Accountability fuels your commitment to keep moving forward.
  • CelebrationSmall steps lead to large accomplishments and need to be recognized along the way. Praise and acknowledgement of hard work energizes. Coaches love to join a client’s victory party!
  • CompanionshipFriends and family can be great supporters. Or not. When you want to make changes, sometimes you need someone outside your inner circle that has an objective perspective (and hasn’t been part of past failures or problems). Coaches believe you can create your own answers and are trained to support you in that process. You can’t wear out your coach with too much self-focus. That is the reason you meet together.

You can make your dreams come true and your projects complete. You can accomplish new goals in your career, relationships, health, and spiritual life. Engage a life coach.

Make 2020 the best year ever. You deserve it.